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NFPtweetup 7: Whizz Kidz social media engagement

Page history last edited by Teri 14 years, 3 months ago

The second presentation of the night saw Rob Dyson from Whizz Kidz return to NFPtweetup fame with his recap on social media 'measuring, engaging and listening'. This was followed by Jessica Leigh from the Whizz Kidz events team on using Facebook to engage with runners in the build up to the London Marathon.




  • @whizzkidzevents & @robmdyson 1444 followers, 903 fans, 9000 videos.... strong presence in social media. #nfptweetup


  • Staying 'local' to loyal champions - thank yous from people @whizzkidz would never have without connecting on social media #NFPtweetup


  • @whizzkidzevents better presence in social media in June 2054 followers, 1232 fans on FB and 20,000 videos!! #nfptweetup


  • Amazing success of @whizzkidz cinema ad on youtube! #NFPtweetup... and now over to @whizzkidzevents  


  • @whizzkidzevents started out with Facebook and Twitter this year. Challenge is creating unified voice among team of 5 #NFPtweetup  


  • @whizzkidzevents set up 3 personal profiles on FB - not fanpage, less hard-sell approach - form relationships & to communicate #nfptweetup


  • Different ways of communicating on Facebook and Twitter... Facebook built team community and advice sharing #NFPtweetup


  • What worked for @whizzkidzevents - connecting with runners, people talking with & about them, reiterate team emails content #NFPtweetup  


  • What worked (cont'd) - monitoring, irreverent comms, but crucial in relationship dvlpmt, build excitement among teams #NFPtweetup  


  • @whizzkidzevents: "huge team experience" - something for them to remember #nfptweetup


  • What worked (cont'd) - Cross-events promo, great feed back from runners about social media use #NFPtweetup


  • @whizzkidzevents Facebook approach not without its challenges. Difficult to build this kind of community around other events #NFPtweetup


  • @whizzkidz weighing up the pros and cons. Need #NFPtweetup audience feedback please! How maintain personal approach?


  • @whizzkidzevents Should we close our Twitter account? @robmydyson announces they'll never be invited back! #NFPtweetup


  • @whizzkidzevents Q&A: too much of a personal approach can be seen as inappropriate, experienced it? - not really! #nfptweetup


  • How many marathon runners added Jess Whizz Kidz on Facebook? 255 out of 550 approx. #NFPtweetup



Break out group: 


  • Connecting with others on a 1st name basis may not be feasible for some charities #NFPtweetup 


  • Any conflicts with one organisation tweeting from different accounts? How do charities determine niches among followers? #NFPtweetup


  • Jess finds it hard to tweet 'personally' from @whizzkidzevents as it's a team of 5 who manages account #NFPtweetup 


  • Suggestion: each person has their own charity account. Mixed feelings abt crossing the line between personal & professional #NFPtweetup


  • Might turn pple off if they think they're following a personal account, but receiving mostly charity related tweets #NFPtweetup


  • Danger in leaving volunteer in charge of social media communications discussed @whizzkidz group. #HabitatUK intern anyone? #NFPtweetup


  • Social media great for engagement, but will it convert supporters who have relationship with staff to charity supporters? #NFPtweetup 


  • Encourage those who follow predecessors to follow new staff. Expect some drop out, but there'll be those who convert easily #NFPtweetup


  • Dish out advice on giving ideas to next year's runners. It's an idea that goes down well with @whizzkidzevents #NFPtweetup 


  • Empower guest tweeters to take over charity's social media comms, eg. for a week? #NFPtweetup


  • Danger in letting social media comms fall by the wayside when those in charge of it leave & ones taking over less than keen #NFPtweetup


  • Social media comms need to be integrated as part of charity's overall comms - importance of internal buy-in #NFPtweetup 


  • Twitter is a very user-led experience. Differs depending on who you're following #NFPtweetup


  • Tweeps in @whizzkidz breakout group getting their breaking news from Twitter first before other sources #NFPtweetup


  • @robmdyson uses samepoint.com to track positive and negative social mentions about @whizzkidz #NFPtweetup



What other people had to say...


  • emersonp: Very interesting events approach from whizz kidz on Facebook but big risks if the fundraiser leaves part-way through #nfptweetup


  • spirals: Whizzkids approach challenge include not feasible to do for small events #nfptweetup


  • girlcharity: Love the idea of witty and silly msgs to engage on facebook


  • commutiny: They're not your friends, no matter how nice they are. They are donors to the organisation. It's an important distinction #nfptweetup


  • suzineill: Difficult to keep the level of engagement after London marathon




See Whizz Kidz presentation on NFPtweetup slideshare.

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