
NFPtweetup 7: ideas and suggestions

Page history last edited by Teri 14 years, 9 months ago

The next NFPtweetup event will be held on June 10 at JustGiving HQ.  As always we would love to have your input, so if you have any ideas or suggestions for topics you would like to explore update this page below or tweet @NFPtweetup.


Alternatively if you work at a charity and have any experiences or learnings from your social media activities you would like to share at the next event please contact terianne@hellobeautifulworld.


Ideas and suggestions:


We've already got some great ideas based on survey feedback from NFPtweetup 6 (thank you!) so here's a few from the survey to get things going...


  • 'How can a charity use social media without a dedicated staff member?'


  • 'Speed Twitter networking session?' 


Comments (2)

howardlake said

at 3:34 pm on May 13, 2010

Would it be useful hearing from some London-based Twitter app creators e.g. Tweetdeck? How their tool can best be used by charities. And perhaps do we charities have suggested improvements?

Rob Dyson's session on measurement last time was useful (and fun). Has anyone else got more ideas/experience/approaches to add?

Steve Bridger said

at 10:35 am on May 14, 2010

We've often touched on where the personal & corporate boundaries are on Twitter - and how we're all learning as we go along. I often cite the RNID's @anniegoss as a great example of getting the balance right. A personal account that is transparent about where the author works, and through which her personality and interests also shine through.

Could we invite Annie to share her Twitter journey with us?

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