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Planning content and structure for future events

Page history last edited by Rachel Beer 15 years, 7 months ago

This is a bit of a stream of consciousness at the moment and certainly a work in progress.


Here are some broad categories that we could structure events around, starting with the basics and moving on to more advanced topics.  The Feb event could explore number 1 on the list and subsequent events this year, numbers 2 & 3.


More experienced Twitter users can share experience with those who are starting out, or just starting to explore whether Twitter is something they should start using.


People that miss an event - and cannot participate online on the night - will be able to access the assets created by that event, and any event before that, online (including the aggregated Twitter stream using the hashtag - #NFPtweetup - discussion in the Friendfeed room, video footage from the event and various other resources that will be shared via this wiki).


  1. Getting started

    What is Twitter and how does it work?

    Exploring objectives - why you are setting up a Twitter presence and what you hope to achieve

    Setting up a Twitter account - how to do this, what do you need to think about when choosing a user name and profile picture?

    Possible risks of not registering a Twitter account or ignoring Twitter (protecting username, being unaware of Twitter conversations re charity etc)

    Finding a Twitter voice - personal or professional, or a mix of both, from an individual or an organisation?

    Choosing a Twitter client - what are they and which one to choose?

    Experimenting and learning - how to decide who to start following and interacting with - exploring who you might I want to follow and why, introduction to Twitter directories & other services/ tactics to find interesting/ useful/ like-minded people to follow


  2. Attracting followers and building a Twitter community

    Introduction to Twitter directories - finding interesting/ useful people to follow, who might follow you back

    Strategies and tactics to creating buzz using Twitter (through asking questions, interesting links, @replies, aggregating tweets with hashtags etc.)

    Questions about followers - exploring the following questions - should I accept all follows, how can I reject followers and should I do this, do I need to welcome followers?

    Managing communiciations - should I welcome followers individually, do I need to reply to direct messages - ways to auto-follow and set automatic welcome messages

    How should I respond if someone says something negative about my cause/ charity's work?

    How important is Twitter etiquette? Are there really rules beyond common courtesy and is it sometimes okay to break them? Twitter is hard enough to analyse from the outside as it is, and demystifying it can only help the nervous or reluctant get involved.


  3. Leveraging your Twitter community to generate value for your cause

    How to use (and measure the impact of) Twitter for campaigns, fundraising, marketing, communiciations, recruiting supporters, reaching out to stakeholders and service users etc. - what Twitter-related services can be used to help you to do this and which other platforms can you integrate your Twitter activity with to amplify your message and take it to a wider audience.


Paul Webster shared some questions/ thoughts about the type of event on Twitter: 'headspin at moment on diffs between a tweetup, a geekup, a barcamp, a tuttle, a socmedcafe a nettues.'  (Here are some tweets in reply) Perhaps this is worth exploring as we consider the format of future NFPtweetups?  What do you think?



  • Unconference (e.g. barcamp, amplified)

    We have possibly started to go down this route a little bit and could continue to develop in this direction, as this is a good way to generate and capture thoughts and ideas to share (using flipcharts (photos of on Flickr), video, mindmapping, live capture on wiki etc. etc.).  This could create some great resources to be accessed by a wider audience.

  • Meetup (e.g. Tuttle)

    Without any formal structure.  People just get together, network & chat.  Quite social, although people do still connect around professional interests and make contacts that they go on to collaborate with on projects.  It would be good to retain some structure, so there is a degree of focus, and to continue to generate content that can be shared with a wider audience that has some longevity.  Let's keep a relaxed, social element, and a degree of informality though.

  • NetTuesdays

    Is there a way that we can continue with the NFPtweetups that doesn't just double up with NetTuesdays?

    There's a certain dynamism to NFPtweetup, because it stems from Twitter and - if we can get live content, including tweets out there during the event, that people can engage with in real time - continuing in this vein offers something different.

    I think incorporating twitter/nfptweetup into Net Tuesday could be fun but on the whole, the events are made for the whole spectrum of the community: people who haven't heard of any of these tools all the way to the people who built 'em.  I think it would be most helpful if it was a hands-on event so people could see how to really do it.  The events vary though with topic and style.  I'm sure we can figure something out and would love to look at it closer once we have the survey results :) (ASW)


More on the February - and future event themes - here.


Thinking about format...


I feel like I'm unclear on the goals for the NFPtweetups, and think that if we highlighted some specific goals it would not be a decision about what kind of format to go with because the most natural one to facilitate the goals would emerge.  If we are after creating live content and sharing it live, then we need an event style that will allow for that.  If we are looking for an exchange of ideas, conversations and connections, it's going to be a very different event than one centered on live content. And so on.


So, could people list below the goals for the events, what they hope to get out of them, and so on.  If someone has already listed the goal/s you have, just mark that you are also in favor of it.



  • meeting Twitterati offline / face-to-face
  • sharing ideas, best practices, examples


Please get stuck in and add your thoughts and ideas to the list above or, if you're not sure where they should go, but there are questions or issues you want to explore, just add them here:


  • I want to know...
  • Can I... ?
  • What happens if... ?
  • How do I...?




Comments (1)

Adrian Cockle said

at 9:54 am on Jan 15, 2009

I like the breakdown over a couple of events. A decent summary of the Feb event in the wiki would avoid people who missed it being at a disadvantage.

It might be worth spending some time in the first session comparing the social interactions in twitter to those in YouTube/Flickr/Facebook. They tend to inhabit the same headspace for me.

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