
How to take part online

Page history last edited by Rachel Beer 14 years, 12 months ago
  • Your own Twitter stream:

    If you are following people on Twitter who are attending the NFPtweetup, you can follow their tweets during the event in your own Twitter stream and can join in by tweeting your thoughts and questions as public @replies (this is easier if you are using a Twitter client, like Twhirl, TweetDeck or one of the many others).  Please note, however, that you are likely to miss some of the tweets this way, as there are probably some people participating that you may not be following.  Some of the options below should help you see all of the associated tweets from each event and find interesting new people to follow! 



  • Collaborative Slideshows:

    NFPtweetup 1, 2, 3 and 4 included a collaborative slideshow, which can be viewed on slideshare. The link above goes to the most recent slideshow.  You'll also find other NFPtweetup-tagged content if you search slideshare, where people have shared their individual slides and presentations.


  • Scribblelive:

    You can follow, comment, post - in more than 140 characters (!), share video and photos in real time during events here.  No registration required - just log in using your Twitter or Facebook user name and password.


  • NFPtweetup Twitter profile:

    Follow us here and you will receive our our tweets prior to, during, and after the event in your stream - including details of how to tune in when we have live audio and/ or video and where you can view any presentations shared prior to the event.  By following us on Twitter, you'll also get any updates on future events and uploads.


  • Follow all tweets tagged with #NFPtweetup in real time:


#NFPtweeup aggregated using Twitter Search

#NFPtweetup aggregated at

#NFPtweetup aggregated at Twitterfall (the easiest way to follow all of the tagged tweets in real time - because you don't have to refresh this application.  Just type in #NFPtweetup and watch the tweets tumble down your screen.)


  • Friendfeed:

    If you are not a Friendfeed user, please consider registering and joining the NFPtweetup room, where you can meet other NFPtweeters.


  • Addict-o-matic:

    Find NFPtweetup content from all over the web on blogs, YouTube, Flickr, Twitter, Friendfeed on one page.


  • Via your phone:

    Handy if you are on the move and unable to attend the event in person, or even if you want to tweet from the event but don't want to bring a laptop.  There are a whole range of Twitter applications for mobiles that you can install from the web. If you have an iPhone, you can download them from the iStore. See what TechCrunch says about these, here).



If you have any other suggestions about ways to participate online, please add them to this page.  Thank you.

Comments (4)

Rachel Beer said

at 12:03 am on Nov 25, 2008

Qik group, for any vids here:

Rachel Beer said

at 12:17 am on Nov 25, 2008

And tag for any photos on Twitter, please:

Kirsty Stephenson said

at 4:04 pm on Feb 25, 2009

Rachel you are amazingly well organised. Look forward to joining in online later.

marc simpson said

at 2:10 pm on May 21, 2009

Thanks for explaining how to follow on Twitter, you're doing a great job!

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