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NFPtweetup has moved!
NFPtweetup has a new website where you'll be able to find the latest news, including regular blog posts and event updates.
A meet up of Twitter users - and those interested in the potential of Twitter and other social media - who work at, or with, non-profit organisations.
- NFPtweetups are very different to traditional conferences and seminars - very deliberately.
- They are part learning, part sharing, part social, collaborative, casual and very friendly.
- They bring charities together for peer-to-peer knowledge sharing and networking.
- They are made possible by the generosity of spirit of everyone attending them - everyone shares knowledge and takes new knowledge away with them.
- They are faciliated, but are as removed as possible from the old format of event, where an expert stands at the front and presents their view to the audience - and people tell us they find NFPtweetups much more useful as a result.
- Events take place on and offline, so you can come along in person, or follow from home, office or train or wherever you are!
- Content generated by the events is shared online during and after the events, to provide as much value as possible for charities and nonprofit organisations.
When & Where?
Our most recent event was on the 15th September 2010 - for more information about upcoming events, please visit the NFPtweetup website.
Follow NFPtweetup on Twitter, or subscribe to updates from this wiki to get the latest news (you can subscribe to receive them by email or get an RSS feed at the bottom of the page). Previous events have been held on: 24 November 2008, 25 February 2009, 27 May 2009, 24 September 2009, 12 November 2009, 4 March 2010 and 10 June 2010.
- To provide an accessible, interactive forum for non-profits to explore the applications and possibilities of Twitter*, and other social media, through hands on experience and discussion.
- To introduce some uninitiated people to Twitter*.
- To meet others in the third sector using Twitter*, share experiences and learnings, and make new connections.
- To encourage collaboration between organisations working in the Third Sector.
*The event focuses on Twitter as an entry point into exploring Twitter and a wide range of other other social media, web tools, new technologies, new concepts, models, strategies and ways of working. Much of the discussion, content and the learning generated from NFPtweetup can be applied across a number of media channels, and considers how to integrate these on and offline, and use them to achieve a broad range of the objectives that most charities and nonprofits share.
NFPtweetup events and online content are created specifically to benefit people working for charities or nonprofit organisations.
They are organised and facilitated by beautiful world, Just Giving, assisted by friendly, supportive folk from agencies, specialist consultants and volunteers from charities that have knowledge and experience to share about Twitter and other social media, as well as significant experience working with charities in one or more of the following areas: fundraising, marketing, communications, campaigning, volunteer management, branding, digital.
Anyone can follow and/ or join the NFPtweetup flock though - you don't need to have been to an event or helped to organise one.
What can you learn by participating?
- What can be achieved through using Twitter - what are the benefits?
- What should non-profits consider when setting up a Twitter profile [for anyone attending not already using Twitter] - is there such thing as best practice in terms of brand, tone of voice, messaging etc.?
- What are the risks - of having or not having a presence?
- And much more. You'll find that the more you engage with others before, after and at the events, the more you'll get out of them.
- By collaborating and sharing with others.
- Connecting with others - consultants, experts and peers - and learning from each other's experiences.
- On and offline - you can attend the event in London, follow and participate in the discussion online from home/ office, and/ or get together on the night with other tweeters in your area and have an NFPtweetup on and offline that connects with the event in London.
- You help to set the agenda - by collaborating with others through this wiki - and we cover what you want to explore and learn about.
- You can use this wiki, and other resources that we share, to continue learning between events.
With thanks to:
- Just Giving for their ongoing support and sponsorship (and particularly to Jonathan Waddingham for all his thoughtfullness, insight, time and energy).
- Everyone that has provided us with a venue to date - namely Christian Aid and Breast Cancer Care. If you have a venue you can make available free of charge for the next NFPtweetup, or if you are the organiser of a relevant event or conference and you would like NFPtweetup to be a part of it, please contact Rachel Beer.
- Noonan Media, Paul Henderson, Howard Lake, Steve Bridger and Amy Sample Ward for their ongoing support of NFPtweetup.
- PBworks for letting us use their wiki platform free of charge.
- Charity and nonprofit designer, Annabel Johnson, for our lovely NFPtweetup logo.
Places for charities and nonprofit organisations are free. There is sometimes a small fee for agencies, consultants and other for profit suppliers not giving time/ resources towards the organisation event. This is a non-profit-making event - most of the places are allocated to charities & paid tickets cover only a very small proportion of the costs of materials required to stage these events. Refreshments are sponsored by Just Giving and the event is curated, organised and faciliated free of charge by beautiful world and Just Giving, with help from volunteers from the sector.
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