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Event Content

Page history last edited by Rachel Beer 15 years, 9 months ago

Collaborative slideshow:


Although a tweetup is not usually much more than a meeting up of people who talk on Twitter – to bring physical and online identies together and talk in the old fashioned way ☺ – so many people signed up, we thought it would be great to generate some value from it to share more widely.


So, in the run up to the event on 24th November, we collaborated on a slideshow about Twitter and non-profits, as a fun way to capture and share ideas and views.


People created just one slide each that captured either:


- a tip

- a trick

- an example


of nonprofits using Twitter, or some Twitter activity that’s relevant to nonprofits.  It could even have been an idea, a thought or a question that you had, a point you wanted to explore with other people at the tweetup or just a good example of Twitter use.


Everyone emailed their slides to Rachel and, to keep it fresh, no one else saw all the slides before the tweetup, and they were put together in random order.  We then ran the preso during the tweetup, and people talked about what had inspired their slide and we all discussed our thoughts. 


You can view the collaborative presentation on slideshare here.


Individual slides shared on Flickr:


Laura Whitehead

Ben Matthews

Rachel Beer

Steve Bridger


See all content on Flickr tagged NFPtweetup here.


Participants talk about their slides (video):


Paul Whaley

Steve Bridger

Michael Waugaman

Damien Austin-Walker

Ben Matthews

Jonathan Waddingham

Paul Henderson

Laura Whitehead

Paul Webster


Thanks to Damien Austin-Walker for those great quality Flip vids.

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