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Agenda and format for 27 May event

Page history last edited by hannah.beard@hellobeautifulworld.com 14 years, 10 months ago



'Developing your Twitter voice'


We explored this theme and the issues around it, covering topics including:

  • Who in your organisation should tweet?  Is there one voice or many?
  • Which department or departments 'own' your Twitter account?
  • What does your organisation tweet about?
  • What is your tone on Twitter?  Is it formal, friendly, personal, is it 'on brand'?
  • Do you engage personally with your followers, post news, broadcast RSS feeds, or mixture of these?
  • Is there any such thing as 'Twetiquette' (Twitter etiquette)?
  • And anything else on your mind! (You don't have to stick to the script if you have a burning desire or need to explore something else)


Timings & format:


17:30 - 18:00     Networking

18:00 - 18:10     Introduction

18:10 - 18:30     Slideshow of good examples & participant comments

18:30 - 18:45     Charity case study: 'Our experience'

18:45 - 19:30     Participants split into five groups to explore theme

19:30 - 20:00     Groups feedback and participants comment/ ask questions/ discuss.


Please see below for more detail on the evening's content and what was expected.

Please note that this event was broadcasted live online, on Christian Aid radio.


17:30 - 18:00 Networking


There was 30 mins at the start to get settled in, find somewhere to sit, say hello to people you know and meet some other people you didn't know yet.  Drinks and nibbles were available from this point and for the rest of the evening. Guests tweeted to say when they had arrived!


18:00 - 18:10 Introduction


There was a short introduction to the event, so that we could get to the interesting stuff as quickly as possible.  We had to tell you important things like where the toilets and fire exits were, and we ran through how people could take part online and listen to the live radio broadcast - particularly for those who did not attend in person, but listened in and/ or took part online. 


If you were tweeting - either from the event, or from home, office, train, pub (or anywhere else) - you were reminded not to forget to include #NFPtweetup in every tweet, so that they were clearly associated with the event and were easy for everyone to follow.


18:10 - 18:30 Slideshow: 'Organisations using Twitter - good examples'


View the slideshow here.


We ran through the slideshow of examples submitted prior to the event.  If you sent a slide in beforehand, you had the opportunity to say something about it if you wanted - in fact, anyone was free to comment on or offline.


We assembled the slideshow and shared it on Slideshare prior to the event, to give everyone a chance to look at it and think about the examples - and so it was available from the start of the event for people following and participating online.


If you wanted to take part in the collaborative slideshow, you could have whether you were attending the event or not, by sending a slide to Rachel Beer by end of play on 20 May. People sent one slide featuring an example of an organisation (could have been a charity, but didn't have to be) that you thought was using Twitter well, or an occasion when you thought they were particularly engaging.  You could have just taken a screenshot and included your comment with it.  If you have a Twitter profile, people included thier user name in this format: @<your Twitter user name>.


18:30 - 18:45 Charity case study: 'Our experience'


How we got started on Twitter, what we've learned along the way, what's worked and what hasn't - included opportunity to ask questions.

Speakers: Alex Goldstein, Web Editor & Jacqui Darlow, Digital Marketing Manager, Dogs Trust.


18:45 - 19:30 Group break-out session


Groups were facilatated by:

  1. Rachel Beer
  2. Jonathan Waddingham
  3. Steve Bridger
  4. Leah Williams
  5. Alex Goldstein/ Jacqui Darlow
  6. Ben Matthews


Group facilitators aimed to capture the key discussion and learning points from their groups to share at the end of the evening, so that they could be made available online for reference afterwards.


Paul Henderson, who manned the roving mic for the evening (broadcasting live on Christian Aid radio), came around to each group and relayed points to people listening and participating online.


19:30 - 20:00 Group feedback and take-outs from the evening


We received feedback from each group facilitator - and participants - on what each group discussed, and opened the discussion out to all (including those participating online).  We made sure we captured this, so that we could share it online, and it could be referenced, after the event.


Questions from the twitter stream:


Wed, 27 May 2009 18:18:18 +0000

ClareWhite something to learn from slide 3 of the #nfptweetup slideshow - what are ++, L and -- commands in Twitter? http://www.slideshare.net/rachelbeer/nfptweetup-collaborative-slideshow-27-may-09


Markyphillips Does anyone have any information to share on favourite payment vehicles for twitter? #nfptweetup


#nfptweetup Is it easier to fundraise on Twitter, or promote action taking & real involvement in campaigning? Need different approaches?


@markbarkaway: Anyone got e.g.'s of orgs with 'user-led' rather than corporate-led twitter streams? what might it look like? #nfptweetup


does twitter generate a power imbalance for NFP's? i.e. is it just a tool of the privileged not a tool of the poor? #nfptweetup


Q. is twitter more than marketing/broadcastng messages? Any examples of how twitter used to measure impact/outcomes of services? #nfptweetup


Hi @fionamclaren, have you had any success turning turning online actions into offline engagement with twitter? #nfptweetup




20:00 - Adjourn to the pub


This bit was totally optional, there was various groups of people that went on to a pub or restaurant to eat/ drink for an hour or two after the event had formally finished.  (We needed to vacate Christian Aid promptly)

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