This event was held at Christian Aid on the evening of 27 May 09.
If you attended, or followed on line, we'd really like your feedback via this short survey.
Here's a list of blog posts, Flickr uploads, video links - and all sorts of other content - related to the event. [If you've posted something, please add a link to it]:
Blog posts
Ross Breadmore
UK Fundraising
The collaborative slideshow
Steve Bridger's slide
Just Giving's photos
Beautiful World's photos
From @b33god
From Noonan Media live streaming (click on the four arrows on the left to see the sections of the event)
More video to follow...
Where and when was the event and who came?
Time: 5.30 - 8pm
Venue: Christian Aid, 35 Lower Marsh, Waterloo, London SE1 7RL [map].
Agenda & Format: Details here.
We had a maximum capacity of 65 for the event (feedback from the previous event mentioned it would be better if less crowded) and prioritised places for people who work at charities and nonprofit organisations.
Who signed up:
From charities or nonprofits [numbers capped at 55]:
- Jacqulyn Bell | Family Holiday Association
- Roger Ingle | Fauna & Flora International
- Richard McKeever | Community Links
- Sara Woodcock | VSO
- Claire James | Scope
- Louise Barker |RNIB
- Claire Corlett | Marie Curie Cancer Care
- Sarah Corrigan | Junction49, TimeBank
- Laura Hyde | Chain Reaction / Community Links
- Ian Beningfield | Meningitis Research Foundation
- Alex Goldstein | Dogs Trust
- Steve Joyce | MAG (Mines Advisory Group)
- Adrian Cockle | WWF / Anti-Apathy
- Anja ffrench | Computer Aid International
- Stephen Campbell | Computer Aid International
- Rob Dyson Whizz-Kidz | Third Sector PR & Comms
- Stephanie King | Together working for Wellbeing | Twitter | Facebook
- Val Stevenson | The Pavement
- Elly Harrowell | Paying for It (Citizenship Foundation) twitter website
- Leah Williams | Women's Resource Centre WRC on Twitter
- Robert Geddis | Citizenship Foundation twitter website
- Michael Grimes | Citizenship Foundation @citizenship@citizensheep
- Andy Williamson, Director, eDemocracy Programme, Hansard Society
- Damien Austin-Walker | TimeBank
- Patrick Daniels | YouthNet | Twitter | | Association of Volunteer Managers
- Ann-Sophie Morrissette | Rosa, the UK Fund for Women and Girls
- Andrew Robinson |ActionAid | twitter
- Gianna Goulding | Rosa, the UK Fund for Women and Girls
- Christina McGill, Breast Cancer Care, twitter
- Paul Webster - NAVCA | Me on Twitter
- Jacqui Darlow - Dogs Trust - Twitter
- Sara Ellis - Association of Medical Research Charities | Email
- Sam Chalk | TimeBank | twitter
- Krista Baumane | Demos | Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS | Twitter
- Fiona McLaren | Amnesty UK
- Rebekah Hah | Intern at Barnardo's | Twitter
- Tash Judd - YouthNet |Twitter |Blog
- Helen Williams - YouthNet | Twitter
- Melanie Andrews - RSPCA| Twitter| Blog
- ChloeClarke - RSPCA| Twitter| Blog
- Sarah Vickery - RSPCA
- Jeremy Gibson - Christian Aid
- Kirsty Stephenson - Child's i Foundation
Didn't come to the event at Christian Aid but watched the tweets:
- Amy Sample Ward | blog | work | twitter
- David Gripenstam (Arthritis ResearchCampaign) | blog | work | twitter
- Richard Smedley - Social Entrepreneur, Sustainable IT | Twitter | Identica | Blog | LinkedIn | Bookmarks | SmallSteps
- David Drury | Hill and Knowlton
- Howard Lake | UKFundraising | Twitter | work | blog
- Ben Matthews | One Voice Suffolk
- Ben Blankley | War Child UK
- Mark Barkaway | Spurgeons
- Chris Davies | Web Manager and e-Commerce Developer at Weldmar - Twitter IBlog
- Ed Walker | UCLan Students' Union | Twitter | work | blog
- Meredith Alexander | ActionAid | Twitter
- Marc Simpson
- Kelly Arnstein | Refugee Council twitter (Unfortunately I can't attend in person after all but will try to follow online)
- Steve Heyes | Founder, LearnAsOneTwitter|Website(Flight times back from Africa mean I'm not going to be able to make it. boo!)
- Jack Cumming - Association for International Cancer Research | Twitter
- Louise Brown I NCVO
- Stephen Troussé | Communications Officer, MVSC
- Nickie Wren | The Makaton Charity | email
- Amanda Santer | ActionAid | twitter
- Sian McLachlna | ActionAid | twitter1 | twitter 2
- Kerstin Twachtmann | ActionAid | twitter
- Maria Georgiou | ActionAid | email
- Teenage Cancer Trust | Twitter
Consultants/ agency employees/ suppliers to charities and other nonprofits interested in attending:
(Places for consultants, agencies or other suppliers to charities were made available based on contribution to the event (i.e. group facilitators, sponsors))
Confirmed places:
- Jonathan Waddingham - organiser, sponsor, setting up, facilitating a group
- Rachel Beer - organiser, setting up, faciliating a group
- Steve Bridger - faciliating a groupThe lurgy :(
- Ben Matthews - facilitating a group
- PaulHenderson - roving reporter for live radio broadcast
- Anke Holst -running the NFPtweetup Twitter account on the evening
- Adam Waller - organiser, official event photographer
- Simon Frank - organiser, official event video
- David Wilcox - socialreporter
- CarolineDampier - organiser
- Brian Noonan - live video streaming
With thanks to the following people for their help and support:
Claire James, Amy Sample Ward, Rebekah Hah, Alex and Jacqui from Dogs Trust, Leah Williams from Women's Resource Centre and the many, many other people that contributed slides, tweeted to help us crowd source them, came to the event and took part online.
To be confirmed:
Please do not add your name to this list now, as we are already at capacity!
- Ben Akin-Smith
- Gill Arnold
- Emma Corry | Each One Counts - EachOneCounts |Twitter|Facebook
- Anna Carlson | Social Media Consultant - NixonMcInnes | Twitter | NM profile
- Matt Matheson | Project Manager - NixonMcInnes | Twitter | NM profile
- Natasha Roe, third sector communications consultant - RedPencilProjects | Twitter| LinkedIn | Justgiving | Network2012
- Paul Sage, MD
- Fiona Craig, VMAConsultant
- Ali Moores, VMAConsultant
- Steve Winton |Developer - NixonMcInnes | Twitter | NM profile
- Edd Parris |Developer - NixonMcInnes | Twitter | NM profile
- Ross Breadmore | Social Media Consultant - NixonMcInnes | Twitter
Comments (5)
Rob Permeable said
at 12:00 pm on Apr 6, 2009
Want to come please :)
facebook Third Sector PR and Comms network, CharityComms, Whizz-Kidz
Natasha Roe said
at 7:16 pm on Apr 29, 2009
This looks like a great event. Currently working with The Reading Agency on setting up their Twitter pages. Would love to share others experiences / thoughts.... Fingers crossed!
Gloria Charles said
at 10:58 am on May 27, 2009
I'm really sorry that I can't attend this evening I have to be on hand for family stuff. Will follow online.
Krista Baumane said
at 12:03 pm on May 27, 2009
How come that the participants list suddenly shrunk to only 20? Am I missing smth?
Rachel Beer said
at 12:49 pm on May 27, 2009
Someone made a mistake and deleted everything on the page below name 18. We are adding everyone back on now!
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