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24 September event

Page history last edited by hannah.beard@hellobeautifulworld.com 14 years, 10 months ago

Timings & format:


17:30 - 18:00      Networking

18:00 - 18:10      Introduction

18:10 - 18:30      Crowdsourced slideshow: Twitter success stories      

18:30 - 19:00      'Our experiences': Charity case studies from Diabetes UK & Women’s Resource Centre

19:00 - 19:30      Group sessions (see below)

19:30 - 20:15      Groups feedback and participants comment/ ask questions/ discuss

20:15 - 20:30      Wrap up

20:30                   Drinks at nearby pub (optional!)


Please see below for more detail on the evening's content:


17:30 - 18:00 Networking 

There was 30 mins at the start to get settled in, find somewhere to sit, say hello to people you know and meet some other people you didn't know yet.  Drinks and nibbles were available from this point and for the rest of the evening. Everyone tweeted to say when they had arrived!


18:00 - 18:10 Introduction 

There was a short introduction to the event, alowing us to get to the interesting stuff as quickly as possible. We had to tell you important things like where the toilets and fire exits were, and we ran through how people can take part online.


If you were tweeting - either from the event, or from home, office, train, pub (or anywhere else) - it was reminded to include #NFPtweetup in every tweet, so that they were clearly associated with the event and were easy for everyone to follow.


18:10 - 18:30 Slideshow: 'Something good your organisation has achieved using Twitter' 

We ran through the slideshow of examples submitted prior to the event (shared here on Slideshare). If you sent a slide in beforehand, you had the opportunity to say something about it - in fact, anyone was free to comment on or offline.


18:30 - 19:00 Charity case studies: 'Our experiences' 

How we got started on Twitter, what we've learned along the way, what's worked and what hasn't - including opportunities to ask questions.  Case studies from Women's Resource Centre and Diabetes UK.


19:00 - 19:30 Group break-out session 

Group facilitators aimed to capture the key discussion and learning points from their groups to share at the end of the evening and so that they could be made available online for reference afterwards.




  1. Strategy: Who tweets what and why?

    Facilitator: Rachel Beer, beautiful world


  2. KPIs and ROI: How do I measure impact and know what’s working?

    Facilitators: Alex Goldstein and Jacqui Darlow, Dogs Trust


  3. Internal buy-in: How can I convince colleagues of Twitter’s value?

    Facilitator: Steve Bridger

    Steve has posted a discussion opener on his blog


  4. How to - surgery: Your practical questions answered

    Facilitator: Jonathan Waddingham, Just Giving

    Live blog here


19:30 - 20:15 Group feedback and take-outs from the evening 

We got feedback from each group facilitator - and participants - on what each group discussed, and opened the discussion out to all. We'll share what we captured online soon.


Blog posts & resources



The collaborative slideshow

John Waddingham on the JustGiving blog

Kevin Baughen on UK Fundraising

Howard Lake on UK Fundraising

Steve Bridger on his blog


At the event:

Qik video from Paul Webster (@watfordgap) of Steve Bridger and Jonathan Waddingham, both reporting back on what their groups discussed.

The liveblogging from the 'How to': surgery is now just a liveblog.


Post-event reporting:

Howard Lake on UK Fundraising (loads of photos and video here too)

Leah (from Women's Resource Centre)'s very small blog post

Just Giving's Fourth NFPtweetup Flickr set

beautiful world's NFPtweetup IV Flickr set


If you have written blog post, posted any photos or video, please share the links here.

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