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24 November 2008 - 1st event

Page history last edited by Rachel Beer 15 years, 10 months ago



Date:     Monday 24 November 2008

Time:     4.30pm-8.30pm - with the option to stay later to chat if you wished (how we arrived at this




Venue:   Upstairs at the Coach and Horses, Greek St, Soho.

Map here and more information about the venue, how to find it, refreshments etc. here.




About 35-40 of us - online and/ or attending event in person.




Something quite casual and organic.  We're open-minded.  It may be we do it regularly, or not, or that it morphs into something of it's own accord, or into other things, or not!  In the spirit of social media - open, collaborative, without rules or formal structure, no one 'in charge'.




Twitter stream tagged #NFPtweetup here (hashtags.org was down for development when we started this, has only very recently picked up and aggregated this tag, and won't backdate, so won't provide the full history).


View the collaborative slideshow here.


Blog posts here (please add if you posted following the event).




Results of post-event survey and resulting recommendations can be viewed here.


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